
Visit our tech blog to learn more about our technology and exiting projects. Here's where we post technical articles, news about our projects, event photos and much more.

At ProSiebenSat.1 Tech Solutions, OKRs have become a key component of our way of working. They have helped us become more focused, aligned and agile. Over the past year, we have collected a lot of experience. In this blog article, we are sharing our top five learnings.

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Many highly successful firms operate with a focus on their customers. Why not apply this logic to the IT within the company? At ProSiebenSat.1 Tech Solutions, we are convinced a customer centric model comes with substantial benefits for our performance, our users, as well as our employees. We are driving the transformation consciously and at high pace. It’s about the radical re-definition of IT, courage, culture, collaboration, proximity, productivity and satisfaction.

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In this Tech Blog article you get to know our current IT apprentices!

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We are back with the third and last part of our Ingress networking series. In this final installment, we focus on how we solved the DNS problem(s).

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GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, Reddit, Twitter, Slack, Teams, and Discord. These are the familiar tools and websites for a developer. We are browsing through the web every day and are stunned by a new shiny open-source software or library. As a software developer, it is entirely reasonable to make use of this tremendous open-source community. Unfortunately, some people aren’t even thinking about giving something back.

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Welcome back to our Container blog post series. This time we will continue with part II of our Kubernetes Ingress journey! If you haven’t checked out part I you can find it here.

In this part, we will take you on a deep dive of our new Ingress infrastructure. In the first part of the series, we showed you the current setup of the stack, we discussed the weak points and listed some features which could bring improvements.

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