
Visit our tech blog to learn more about our technology and exiting projects. Here's where we post technical articles, news about our projects, event photos and much more.

We attended the DAHO.AM held in Munich. Interesting talks and workshops have attracted many developer and tech enthusiasts. We are already excited to be back next year!

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Where people work together sooner or later conflicts arise. Many of us feel uneasy in conflicting situations. This is often caused by the inability to constructively handle them. To avoid this uneasiness, conflicts are avoided - which leads to much more unconstructive thing altogether: artificial harmony

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Networking is one of the hardest parts in modern distributed systems. Following microservice architectures, you will end up with a lot of atomic services which dynamically scale depending on the current load and still need to communicate with each other. It becomes even more challenging when CI/CD technics are involved and you end up with multiple versions of a service.

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Julia Pieper, Senior Project Manager at ProSiebenSat.1 Tech Solutions, is working part-time for three years now. The mother of two children tells us why she opted for part-time employment and how ProSiebenSat.1 provides her with optimal support.

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Blockchain technology has received a lot of attention in the last years, not least because of the boom of the digital currency Bitcoin. Apart from being used as a digital currency, the underlying blockchain technology also promises enormous potential in the area of digital advertisement. Trust-building aspects are of special interest here, for example security, fraud detection and prevention, as well as topics like transparency and traceability.

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Hi everyone,

We are the platform engineering and operation team. In this blog post we want to give you a little insight into how we tackled the challenges on our way towards Cloud Native Infrastructure. After we’ve explained what Cloud Native actually means to us, we want to tell you something about the technical and cultural problems we faced along the way.

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